(Picture Caption: From left to right; Tricia Peter-Clark, President and CEO of ConnextCare; Ashley Rupert, LPN; RoseAnn Jarrett, Board Member; Nancy Deavers, SVP and Chief Nursing and Quality Officer of ConnextCare.)
ConnextCare is pleased to announce the winner of the annual Kathy A. Ellis Scholarship. This year’s $500 scholarship winner is Ashley Rupert, LPN. The Kathy A. Ellis Scholarship is awarded annually to an individual entering a program or continuing education in the field of nursing. Rupert is continuing her education to become a Registered Nurse through Excelsior College.
Rupert, who is currently employed at Fulton ConnextCare, is an LPN III and the Substance Use Disorder Coordinator for all the ConnextCare locations. Rupert stated, “When I took on the Coordinator role, I was intimidated with taking on such a large program, but it turned out the best decision that I made. It has really brought out a passion that I never would have known was there had I not taken the leap.” Nancy Deavers, SVP and Chief Nursing and Quality Officer, said about Rupert, “Ashley demonstrates her dedication to our patients and community daily. She is innovative and strives to improve processes and promote safety in the workplace. Her work on safety for vaccine administration was adapted for all of the health centers! Ashely has also been completing her RN degree, while continuing to work full- time. She always works with a smile and can do attitude! She is a wonderful asset to ConnextCare and I am so pleased that she was awarded this scholarship.”
Kathleen A. Ellis, was the first Nurse Practitioner in New York State. Ellis was well known in our local community for her passion and commitment to serving our rural population. She worked at Northern Oswego County Health Services, Inc. (NOCHSI), which is now ConnextCare, at the Pulaski location, and spent four years working at NOCHSI’s Mexico Health Center. The community mourned the loss of Ellis when she lost her battle with cancer and passed away in December of 1996 at the age of 52.